Instagram Decoded: Learning How it REALLY Works


Instagram, a pivotal platform in the digital social sphere, has evolved from a simple photo-sharing app to a complex ecosystem where millions of users interact with content every day. This transformation has been largely guided by its algorithm, a set of rules and mechanisms that determine what content appears in users’ feeds, stories, explore tabs, and reels. Let’s delve into the workings of Instagram, uncovering the intricacies of its algorithm, the concept of “shadowbanning,” and how users can tailor their viewing experience.

Understanding the “Algorithm”

A common myth that circulates about Instagram is the notion of a singular, monolithic “algorithm” that controls and dictates every aspect of what users see on the platform. However, this understanding is far from the truth. In reality, Instagram employs a sophisticated network of algorithms, classifiers, and processes, each designed with a specific purpose to enhance user experience across different parts of the app. This multifaceted approach is rooted in the desire to maximize user engagement by personalizing content to align with individual behaviours, preferences, and interactions.

Initially launched in 2010, Instagram featured a simple, chronological feed of photos. Yet, as the platform grew in popularity, this format became unsustainable. Users found themselves missing out on 70% of all posts, including nearly half from their close connections. The chronological model was unable to keep pace with the sheer volume of content being shared. In response, Instagram introduced a significant evolution of its feed in 2016, shifting towards a system that ranks posts based on what users care most about.

This tailored approach extends beyond the feed to other areas of the app, each governed by its unique algorithm designed to cater to specific user behaviours and needs. For example, while Stories prioritize content from close friends to foster intimate connections, the Explore and Reels sections aim to introduce users to new and engaging content outside their immediate social circles. This differentiation in how content is ranked across the app underscores Instagram’s commitment to creating a personalized, varied, and engaging user experience.

How Instagram Ranks Feed and Stories

Instagram’s approach to ranking Feed and Stories has evolved to prioritize content from friends, family, and those closest to users. The methodology behind ranking involves several steps designed to present the most relevant and engaging content to each individual.

Initial Selection

The ranking process begins by identifying the pool of content eligible for ranking. For both Feed and Stories, this primarily includes recent posts shared by the accounts a user follows. While there are exceptions, such as advertisements, the bulk of what users see originates from their network.

Analysing Signals

Instagram then analyses a wide array of signals related to the posted content, the creators of that content, and the user’s preferences and behaviour. These signals, numbering in the thousands, range from the timing of the post to the type of device being used, and how frequently a user engages with video content. Among these signals, several stand out due to their significant impact on ranking decisions:

  • Post Information: This includes data on the post’s popularity (e.g., likes) and specific details about the content itself (e.g., post timing, video length, location data). An interesting aspect of the platform is the discussion around the idea to buy likes for Instagram, which some users consider as a strategy to enhance their visibility. However, Instagram focuses on authentic engagement and connections, valuing genuine interactions over artificially inflated metrics.
  • Creator Information: Signals here help determine the potential interest level in the person who posted, based on past interactions within a recent timeframe.
  • User Activity: This encompasses the user’s engagement patterns, such as the number of posts liked, to infer potential interests.
  • Interaction History: Insights into how often a user interacts with a particular poster, including comments on each other’s posts, are crucial.

Making Predictions

With this information, Instagram makes educated guesses (predictions) about how a user might engage with a post. Several potential interactions are considered, witha particular focus on actions like spending time viewing a post, commenting, liking, resharing, and clicking on the profile photo. The likelihood of these actions influences a post’s ranking, with greater weight given to actions that indicate higher engagement.

Adjustments and Considerations

Instagram also incorporates specific adjustments to ensure variety and relevance. For example, efforts are made to prevent clustering too many posts from the same user consecutively. Adjustments also extend to how reshared content, particularly from Feed to Stories, is valued based on feedback indicating a preference for original Stories content.

Community Guidelines and Misinformation

Instagram enforces Community Guidelines to maintain a safe environment, stepping in when content may jeopardize safety. Violations can lead to content removal or account restrictions. Misinformation is handled differently; rather than removal, labelled content is ranked lower, and repeat offences can lead to broader visibility reductions.

How Instagram Ranks Explore

Instagram’s Explore tab is a cornerstone of discovery, meticulously designed to connect you with content that resonates with your interests, distinct from the familiarity of your Feed and Stories. This sophisticated feature curates a mix of photos and videos, aiming to introduce you to new perspectives and creators by leveraging your past interactions on the platform.

Crafting Your Discovery Experience

The journey into Explore begins with Instagram identifying content that might capture your interest, guided by your engagement with posts in the past. For example, if your interactions suggest a fondness for San Francisco’s culinary delights, Instagram might lead you to discover accounts like Cathay Bi’s (@dumplingclubsf), further broadening your exploration to related topics such as dim sum from @dragonbeaux. This approach allows Explore to serve up content on dumplings, gyoza, and more, enriching your discovery without explicit instruction on each post’s theme.

How Content Earns Its Place in Explore

Instagram ranks the curated set of photos and videos by evaluating how likely you are to engage with each post, prioritizing content based on anticipated interactions like likes, saves, and shares. Key signals influencing this ranking include:

– Popularity indicators: The engagement a post receives, including likes and shares, significantly impacts its visibility in Explore.

– Interaction history: Your past interactions, even with unfamiliar posters, help tailor the Explore experience to your interests.

– Personal activity: The ways you’ve engaged with content, both within Explore and beyond, inform the recommendations made to you.

– Poster engagement: The broader community’s interaction with a poster can spotlight compelling content from a range of creators.

Understanding “Shadowbanning”?

“Shadowbanning” is a term frequently mentioned by Instagram users to describe experiences where their content reach seems inexplicably limited, leaving their posts visible to them but not widely seen by others. Instagram acknowledges the confusion and feelings of being silenced that come with these accusations. The platform admits that its efforts to communicate the reasons behind content removal or reduced visibility have fallen short in the past. This lack of transparency has led users to draw their own conclusions about decreased engagement, often feeling victimized by an unseen process.

Instagram processes millions of reports daily, and even a small error rate can impact thousands, contributing to perceptions of shadowbanning. The platform also clarifies that fluctuations in likes and comments are not indicative of shadowbanning but are a result of how content is consumed. Most users see less than half of their Feed resulting in fewer engagement rates at times without any relation to shadow banning or any error. Instagram is committed to improving transparency, reducing errors, providing immediate feedback on content removals, and better explaining its systems, including actions taken against content that violates its Recommendations Guidelines. These efforts aim to demystify the user experience and address the concerns surrounding shadowbanning more effectively.


Instagram’s algorithm is a sophisticated tool designed to curate a personalized social media experience for each user. By understanding how content is ranked across feeds, stories, Explore, and Reels, users can better navigate the platform and tailor their experience to suit their preferences. While the notion of shadowbanning remains contentious, Instagram continues to emphasize the importance of community standards in content visibility. Ultimately, the power to influence what you see on Instagram lies in your hands, through the interactions and choices you make on the platform. Engage wisely, and you can curate an Instagram experience that is both enriching and enjoyable.



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